How Do I Choose Abstract Art For My Living Room

Factors to Consider When Choosing Abstract Art for Your Living Room

To choose the perfect abstract art for your living room, consider the factors carefully. With “Factors to Consider When Choosing Abstract Art for Your Living Room” as the section title and “Size and Proportion, Color Scheme, Theme and Style, Budget, and Personal Preference” as the sub-sections, this article will show how to find an abstract art piece that fits your living room size and style without compromising on your personal preference while staying within your budget.

Size and Proportion

When Choosing Abstract Art: Consider the Size and Proportion

Size and proportion are key when selecting the right abstract art for your living room. It should fit the provided space perfectly – not too big or too small. Plus, it should be proportional to other furniture in the room.

Table 1. Examples of sizes and types of abstract art.

Size Type
Small A3 paper or less; suitable for shelves or desks
Medium Between A4 and A2 paper; a great option for a single wall
Large Bigger than A2 paper; can take up an entire wall
Extra-large Fit for high-ceilinged rooms
Multiple-sized Multiple pieces in various sizes attainable

Some unique details, like color scheme and theme, can make the artwork stand out more. They will also enhance the existing arrangement of furniture.

If a mistake-free selection of abstract art is what you’re aiming for, it may be wise to seek expert advice on the best way to feature it in your living room.

Invite life to your living room with beautiful abstract art that fits its style and ambiance. Splurge on this powerful way to add grace and character to your home! Avoid guests confusing your living room for a circus tent by selecting a color scheme for your artwork that matches the existing decor.

Color Scheme

When picking abstract art for your living room, the visual and emotional impact of colors must be taken into account. Using a variety of colors can bring out existing décor and highlight particular elements or vibes that matter to you.

Color Scheme:

Color has a huge effect on people’s behavior and emotions. When deciding on abstract art, colors should be chosen to fit your personality; lively and warm hues like reds, oranges, and yellows create a lively atmosphere while cool colors like blues and greens bring out tranquility. Neutral tones like grey, black and white also have a peaceful result. Different shades of each color will also create different effects.

Unique Details:

Interesting enough, colors make various impressions in different cultures or societies. Some individuals stick to traditional practices while mixing colors based on their feelings; others look to interior designers who are experts in abstract art visuals that match lifestyle habits.

Pro Tip:

Choose digital prints or original illustrations with lots of texture and depth to give each piece its character. Before selecting a theme or design for your abstract art, ask yourself: ‘Do I want my living room to look like an art gallery or a sci-fi movie set?

Theme and Style

Abstract Art – A Journey of Unusual and Captivating Styles.

Incorporating abstract art into your living room requires thoughtfulness. The artwork should fit your personality, and blend with your decor, colors, and room vibe. Evaluate themes such as nature, geometry, emotion, or others that speak to you. Examine styles such as minimalistic or expressionistic to find the best fit.

Abstract art carries a unique meaning and purpose that can affect viewers differently. Take time to contemplate the emotions you feel when looking at the piece.

A great tip: pick larger pieces to fit the size of the wall. Don’t overcrowd or use too many colors that may clash. With patience and consideration, abstract art can boost the aesthetic of your living room.

You don’t need to break the bank! Budget and a good eye can turn your living room into a museum – or at least a very stylish thrift store.


When looking to buy Abstract Art for your living room, the financial aspect should be taken into account. Here are some points to ponder:

  • Primary Factors – How much money can you comfortably spend?
  • Related Costs – Are there any extra expenses? E.g. framing and mounting.
  • Investment Perspective – Is it valuable enough to invest in? How long will you keep it?
  • Sales Strategy – Do you prefer discount periods or auctions?
  • Maintenance Requirements – Does it need special upkeep?

Money is key when setting up a living room. This includes size, style, type, and color scheme. For example, a colorful large painting could cost more than a smaller one with monotone shades.

Did you know that only the wealthy could afford art in the past? Selling art became common when amateur artists began painting and selling their works. Nowadays, people can buy art at varying prices.

Keep in mind, when selecting abstract art, it’s all about personal taste – even if it looks like a toddler painted it on a sugar rush!

Personal Preference

When selecting abstract art for your living room, it’s essential to take into account your individual taste and preference. This helps ensure that the pieces chosen are a reflection of your personality and match your existing decor style. Consider factors such as colors, size, and type of artwork that best resonates with you.

Not only should personal preference guide your choices when selecting abstract art for a living room, but also how bold or subtle the decorations ought to be. For instance, a bright colored piece could look great with a neutral-toned interior space.

Moreover, take into account any design challenges posed by the room’s layout when selecting an ideal piece from various options. Don’t forget to factor in your own preferences when making the purchase decision! Get ready to add some color to your living room with these popular abstract art styles. Beige is so last year!

Popular Styles of Abstract Art for Living Rooms

To choose the perfect abstract art for your living room, you need to be aware of the most popular styles available. In order to help you with that, we have a section on ‘Popular Styles of Abstract Art for Living Rooms’ with sub-sections including ‘Geometric Abstraction, Gestural Abstraction, Color Field Abstraction, and Minimalist Abstraction’. This will assist you in selecting the best style of abstract art that suits your living room decor.

Geometric Abstraction

Futuristic Shapes and Lines – A Glimpse.

Rectangles, hexagons, triangles, and circles are the shapes used for abstract art called Geometric Abstraction. Artists change up these shapes to make unique visuals.

Elements Info
Colors Bright or Soft Hues
Lines Geometric or Curved
Composition Symmetric or Asymmetric

Geometry Art is unique with its sharp lines and color blocking. Simple and minimalistic, it’s great for modern home decor.

Recently, there was an exhibit with Geometry Art as the main theme. It had an acrylic painting with shadow illusions and straight lines making an amazing optical illusion. It sold for six figures.

Let your walls show off abstract art! Sometimes words can’t express enough.

Gestural Abstraction

Gestural Abstraction is a popular style of abstract art for living rooms. It uses free-flowing, spontaneous brushstrokes and lacks formal structure. This captures the artist’s emotions in each brushstroke. Famous artists of this style include Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Franz Kline. It can be used in living spaces as statement pieces or abstract accents on smaller items such as throw pillows.

This style of art allows for an emotional connection between the viewer and the artwork. While it can be chaotic, it adds depth and personality to any space. Jackson Pollock was a master of this technique. He created his “drip paintings” by flinging paint onto a canvas using various tools and techniques. He even laid on the ground to gain more control over his movements. His dedication and willingness to take risks made him a pioneer of Abstract Expressionism.

For those who want their living room to reflect their enthusiasm for art, Color Field Abstraction is the perfect choice. Get lost in a sea of color!

Color Field Abstraction

Color Field Abstraction is a unique art style known for its big, bold blocks of color and the importance placed on color relationships. This abstract style emerged in the mid-twentieth century with an aim to evoke emotion through color.

To better understand this style, a table can be made with three columns. The first column could list artists like Mark Rothko and Helen Frankenthaler. The second could explain the use of large, solid fields of color and minimal recognizable forms. The third could emphasize the experience of color rather than any intended message.

In addition, Color Field Abstraction values interaction between colors and encourages viewers to feel various emotions. Like other abstract styles, it provokes introspection and thought.

Mark Rothko, a well-known Color Field Abstraction artist, once said: “I’m only interested in expressing basic human emotions – tragedy, ecstasy, doom, and so on”. Minimalist abstraction in living spaces is all about more white space – the more the better!

Minimalist Abstraction

Achieving a simplistic yet impactful ambiance requires ‘subtle minimalism.’ This art style is popular due to its clean, sleek aesthetic without clutter or noise. It includes monochromatic, geometric, and expressive designs.

Monochromatic uses one color scheme with different shades for a serene visual. Geometric designs use lines and shapes to create a balanced and organized atmosphere. Expressive art combines simplicity with expression to make bold and intriguing works.

For an eye-catching minimalist approach, large abstract paintings make great focal points. Framed prints can be strategically placed on plain walls too. Mixing luxurious materials like marble sculpture or metallic accents adds dimensionality without overwhelming minimalism.

Transform plain walls into conversation-starting abstract pieces for your living room. Discover where to find them!

Where to Find Abstract Art for Your Living Room

To find the perfect abstract art for your living room, turn to this section on “Where to Find Abstract Art for Your Living Room”. It provides you with various solutions such as ‘Art Galleries’, ‘Online Art Stores’, ‘Local Artists or Art Fairs’, and ‘DIY Options’ to help you discover the best abstract art that matches your style and budget.

Art Galleries

Exploring Art Institutions

Art institutions are a haven for art-lovers and collectors. They’re a great place to find modern, contemporary and abstract pieces to add sophistication and depth to your living room decor. These venues include Museums, Private Galleries, Public Galleries, Artist’s Communities, and Art Festivals.

Visiting these places provides the chance to get up close and personal with beautiful artworks. In a lively gallery or museum atmosphere, one can fully appreciate the aesthetic and emotional dimensions of the art – something that just isn’t possible when searching online.

To make things even easier, many galleries have catalogs and newsletters with artworks available for purchase. These include detailed descriptions of their history and info about the artist. Some art institutions also offer rental programs for artwork.

Art institutions offer the opportunity to discover unique works by both emerging and established artists, all while supporting the arts community.

The Louvre Museum in Paris has a huge collection of classical and modern art, such as ‘Composition VIII’ by Wassily Kandinsky. Who needs a therapist when you can just buy abstract art online and pretend it’s deep?

Online Art Stores

Before buying art online, check if the website has a wide variety of options like paintings, prints, and sculptures. Look for filters to narrow down your search – size, style, color, and price range. Read reviews of the website and the individual artists. Pay attention to shipping policies and costs, plus the arrival time. Consider if the website offers extra services like art consultations or custom commissions. Compare prices and quality from different stores.

Also, some sites specialize in certain types of art or cater more towards emerging artists. Create a Pinterest board or bookmark folder to compare favorites before buying. Purchasing local art not only adds personality to your living room, but also to your conscience.

Local Artists or Art Fairs

Discovering abstract art for your living room starts by attending local galleries or art shows. You may come across contemporary or traditional styles, and a chance to discover new and unique pieces. Seeing the artwork in person gives you a better feel for its colors and textures. Sometimes local artists will even customize a piece for you, although prices differ depending on their experience.

Benefit from meeting like-minded people who share similar interests in art. This can open up new perspectives and ideas while you appreciate abstract art. Also, look out for urban street exhibitions that may feature talent from street artists. Their work will provide colour and evoke emotion.

Whether it’s a gallery or an exhibition, finding quality abstract art is easy when you know where to look. Explore distinctive pieces while supporting talented artists without breaking the bank. And if you’re feeling brave, create your own masterpiece with paint, a canvas and no artistic ability!

DIY Options

For those who want to design their interiors themselves, there are lots of possibilities. Get creative with a canvas, and let your artistic side out! Use everyday objects like vintage books or records to make visually interesting arrangements. Cut out magazine images and assemble them into a unique collage. Combine paint sample cards for an eye-catching abstract effect. Fabric scraps and old clothing can make a textured and colourful wall hanging. Incorporate different types of paper, like tissue paper or newspaper, to add depth.

Don’t worry if you’re feeling overwhelmed – there are plenty of online tutorials and guides. Whether it’s a particular style or method, you’ll find something that suits your needs. Get involved in the abstract art trend and make your own piece today! With so many options, the possibilities are endless. Make it stand out by displaying it in a way that says ‘I’m not basic, I’m abstract!‘”

Displaying Your Abstract Art

To display your abstract art for your living room effectively, the right strategies need to be implemented. For this section of the article ‘Displaying Your Abstract Art’, which covers placement, framing, lighting, and grouping with other art pieces, you’ll learn how each method provides a solution for an eye-catching display of your collection.


The position of your abstract art is key for its effect on a viewer. Pick a spot that’s clear and fits the style of your artwork. Think about lighting, wall color, and height for best display.

For small or medium-sized pieces, show them together in a collage. Bigger pieces can be alone in an open space, e.g. in a living room or entryway. Don’t overcrowd it and make sure each piece has enough space around to point out its features.

You can also try non-standard placements like leaning art against walls or hanging it from the ceiling at eye-level. This kind of creative display will draw attention to your artwork.

Salvador Dali once put his art on top of upside-down trash cans to make it more important. Get ideas from him and don’t be scared to try inventive placements.

Finally, if you’re not sure, add a big frame – it’s like armor for your avant-garde masterpiece.


Abstract art engages the imagination of viewers. When framing it, there are six important points to keep in mind:

  • Choose a frame that complements, not competes with the art.
  • Pick a frame that enhances the art’s color scheme.
  • Matting should not overpower the artwork.
  • Use museum-quality materials to protect and preserve.
  • Frame to emphasize features like texture or brushstrokes.
  • Avoid cheap frames that may diminish your work’s value.

Apart from these, think about filtering UV light, hanging position, etc., as they can influence how your audience sees the piece.

For added protection, use non-acidic mats. Also, the lighting should be just right, or else your masterpiece could end up in art purgatory. A framing service may help with this process.


Illuminating abstract art correctly can make a huge difference to how viewers perceive it. Showcase its texture, colour and depth with lighting from different angles. Avoid harsh light or direct sunlight, which can damage the artwork.

When choosing lights for your artwork, consider colour temperature, brightness, light direction and source location. Colour temperature affects colours under light. Brightness level determines how illuminated the piece is from different distances. Light direction creates mood and depth.

Use backlighting or spotlights to add dimension. Make sure the light is evenly distributed, so every part of the piece reflects illumination evenly. LED strip lights around the frame’s perimeter illuminates art beautifully and reduces glare.

Grouping abstract art with other pieces is like introducing a new friend – it’s all about finding the right balance and chemistry.

Grouping with Other Art Pieces

Abstract art is a genre that re-imagines reality to express ideas. It can be tough to pair it with other pieces. But, it can be enhanced in a room by grouping it with other works of art. Here are some tips:

  • Prints with similar palette, but different patterns or techniques.
  • Neutral frames for unity.
  • Contrasting pieces offer a unique mix.
  • Juxtapose prints to generate rhythm and interest.
  • Compliment artworks’ colors for coherency.

For a balanced composition, don’t over or underwhelm a space. Add bold abstract pieces with classic ones to give your decor a boost. A study from Oita University revealed the positive psychology behind people’s emotional reaction to colorful wall decor. When unsure, go big and bold with abstract art for your living room.

Conclusion: How to Choose Abstract Art that Fits Your Living Room’s Aesthetic.

Choosing the right abstract art for your living room can be tough. Your home’s aesthetics will likely affect the type of artwork that fits best. But, there are some things you can keep in mind when choosing abstract art that’ll fit your living room’s aesthetic.

Pay attention to the colors in the space. Then, decide on the theme you want and keep a consistent style. Lastly, choose pieces of artwork based on size so they fit comfortably.

If you’re not sure, don’t hesitate to visit galleries and talk to expert artists. It’s important to remember that choosing perfect abstract art for your living room is crucial when it comes to decorating. The right artwork can make your living room look beautiful and create a cozy atmosphere.

My friend had trouble picking out abstract art for their living room. So, they asked an interior decorator for advice and the decorator suggested specific colors and styles that went with their furniture. After that, they noticed a huge difference in how the living room looked with the artwork they chose.