What Did Victorians Hang On Their Walls

Types of Artwork

To understand different types of artwork commonly hung on Victorian walls, delve into the section on “Types of Artwork” with a focus on “Traditional styles” and “Contemporary styles”. These sub-sections will provide insights into the diverse range of wall art options available during the Victorian era, from classic artwork to modern depictions.

Traditional styles

When it comes to conventional artwork, there are many genres to consider. People and animals, landscapes, still lifes, and religious imagery all have distinct qualities.

Artists often try to create realistic proportions and features with people and animal depictions. Landscapes tend to show the power of nature, such as mountains, sunsets, and clouds, whereas still lifes capture smaller scenes like flowers and fruit.

Religious imagery must follow certain rules depending on the religion it is representing. For example, Christian artwork often depicts Bible scenes as a way to showcase moral ideas or values.

Despite their differences, all these traditional styles have a long history of development and artistic expression, representing cultures from long ago to the present. Contemporary art, however, is often seen as an attempt to defy traditional conventions.

Contemporary styles

Present-day artistry designs show off a range of styles. These styles take influence from current trends. They use diverse mediums and forms like digital media, interactive installations, and multimedia sculptures. This trend follows minimalism in design. Artists aim to express deep-seated thoughts using minimalist techniques. Rather than grand symbolic displays that need understanding, this contemporary style focuses on simplicity and multiple ideas through space and materiality.

This art form often uses bold geometric shapes to create multidimensional effects. Monochrome is another popular element used to bring everyday objects together in a piece. The union of artist’s vision and realization, while exploring new technology and tackling societal problems, produces visually and emotionally stimulating creations.

For stunning contemporary works, upcoming artists must be inspired by their environments, not just blindly imitate other artists’ styles. They can also use multimedia materials or organic elements like plants, alongside various technological approaches. Who needs an art gallery? Cheap and trendy prints can spruce up your walls.

Common Wall Decor

To add personality and style to your home, learn what Victorians hung on their walls in the Common Wall Decor section. Paintings, framed prints, mirrors, and tapestries were four popular ways they made their decor unique. Detailing the benefits of each in sub-sections will give you an idea of which would best suit your home.


Paintings come in many forms – oil, watercolor, acrylic, and mixed media. Abstract or representational, they can be small canvases or large murals. Furthermore, a painting can be a focal point or it can complement existing decor. Owning a painting is not only beautiful but an investment for the future.

Incorporating paintings allows you to customize and express yourself. However, consider lighting, color, and placement when selecting the right one.

A friend found an original piece by a local artist at an art fair. It was perfect for her living room and added a unique touch compared to prints. She now cherishes it as a prized possession.

Framed prints: When you’re too lazy to paint, just frame someone else’s!

Framed prints

Framed prints are a great way to add decoration to walls. There’s no limit to the options you have with prints, so you can easily express your personality and style.

When selecting frames, there are four main types to consider. Traditional frames are typically made of wood and are brown in color. Modern frames are made of metal and come in silver. Ornate frames are resin and gold. Lastly, you can go for the rustic look with distressed wood in brown.

Framed prints are also perfect for creating a gallery wall. Hang multiple frames of varying sizes and designs and you’ll have an eye-catching focal point in any room!

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends when it comes to framed prints. Whether it’s abstract art or vintage photographs, there’s something for everyone. With the right prints, you can turn a dull living space into one that reflects your unique character. Start exploring today!


Mirrors are often used as wall decor. Here are some of the types: Full-length, Framed, Round, and Bathroom Vanity. Place them near windows or lighting fixtures to maximize effect.

Did you know mirrors have been around for ages? They were first made by coating copper/bronze sheets with silver 4000 years ago in Egypt.

Tapestries on walls give a room an identity crisis. Are you Medieval royalty or a college student?


Tapestries boast of a myriad of possibilities! From nature scenes to historic events, their varied sizes and customized fit make them stand out. Crafted from high-quality materials such as silk and wool, they provide longevity. Plus, these textile artworks are featured in many art museums worldwide.

Interestingly, tapestries also offer acoustical control, insulation, color, and texture benefits. Royal palaces used them to keep their rooms warm and act as soundproofing. These remarkable pieces keep their power through time! And who needs pricey artwork when you can show off your collection of cat figurines and shot glasses?

Personal Collections

To explore personal collections in “What did Victorians hang on their walls?” with focus on porcelain, souvenirs, and taxidermy. Victorian homes were adorned with unique personal collections of varying themes. Some displayed their collections of porcelain or china as a mark of sophistication and luxury. Others showcased souvenirs collected from travels around the world. A few even exhibited their fascination with taxidermy, much to the shock of modern sensibilities.

Porcelain or China

Fine Ceramic Collectibles

Collectors of fine ceramics have a passionate interest in quality pieces. Porcelain and high-grade china make up these prized objects. They are adored for their beauty and admired for their resilience and details.

Porcelain is white and translucent, hard in texture. China is creamy, translucent and hard too. Although they are often used interchangeably, each has its own distinctiveness. Details may include the composition and firing temperature of different kilns or the craftsmanship of a notable artisan. Collecting ceramics is an exciting quest!

The history of fine ceramic collectibles is an epic one. Ancient Roman and Chinese dynasties all had these priceless items. European courts even used them during the Baroque period. Today, ceramic collectors continue to appreciate this rich history. They treasure delicate, crisp-white porcelain and creamy-toned china pieces that will last for years to come.

Souvenirs: the only collection where dust is a badge of honour.


When it comes to collecting items, many people choose those that remind them of experiences or places they have visited. Mementos, which hold sentimental value, are a popular type of personal collection. Here are three reasons why collecting souvenirs is common:

  • Tangible memories of places visited
  • Can evoke positive emotions and serve as a source of comfort
  • Encourages creativity and a sense of adventure

Some people opt for more unique souvenirs such as local artwork or regional cuisine ingredients. To start a souvenir collection, focus on one type of item or one region of the world. The most important part is choosing mementos that bring joy and happy memories each time you see them. Also, if you want to add life to your home décor, taxidermy is a great option!


Preserving animals through taxidermy is becoming more popular with people collecting it. This involves making sculptures from the skins of dead animals.

A table showing different kinds of taxidermy can have columns such as species, size and cost. For example, a full body mount of a deer can cost around $1,500 while a European mount of the same species may be just $350.

It is important to note that not all animals can be taxidermied legally. So, check the local laws and regulations before going ahead with it. Also, proper care and maintenance is needed for the piece to last, such as dusting and avoiding direct sunlight.

Pro Tip: When displaying taxidermy pieces, think about lighting and placement to show off their beauty and craftsmanship.

Victorian Photo Styles

To dig deeper into the Victorian Photo Styles, specifically Daguerreotype, Ambrotype, and Carte de Visite, as a solution for your curiosity about what the Victorians hung on their walls. These sub-sections will be briefly introduced to help you understand the distinct characteristics of each style and their popularity during the Victorian era.


Daguerreotype, the earliest process of capturing images directly on a silver plate, was patented by Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre in 1839. It became popular in the 1840s and lasted until the mid-1850s.

This specific photographic process has many characteristics:

  • Exposure time of up to several minutes.
  • Extremely sharp image detail.
  • Monochromatic tones with warm hues.
  • Various sizes, from small to full plate.

Because of its finesse, daguerreotype was widely used for portrait photography. Fans of vintage art forms will appreciate this style as it offers a glimpse into the Victorian era. Plus, it’s an amazing way to own a piece of history.

If you’re looking for something special to add to your decor, a daguerreotype photo is the perfect choice. You’ll join an exclusive group that values both art and historic preservation. For a spooky twist, try an ambrotype photo – perfect for making your enemies look even more menacing.


Victorian Ambrotypes were produced through a wet plate collodion process. Glass was coated with a silver nitrate solution and placed in a camera to capture an image. The unique depth and luminosity of the photos was due to black-lacquered plates placed behind the glass.

The Ambrotypes were not fixed, making the images one-of-a-kind and reversely mirrored on the glass plate. It’s important to note the direction of clothing patterns or text for accuracy.

During the American Civil War, Ambrotypes became popular for soldiers as they were durable and reflective. Historians say that they were produced in large numbers, with over 1 million pieces a year by 1860.

Before the selfie there was the ‘Carte de Visite’; an important way to show off your good lighting!

Carte de Visite

Capturing the Visage: The Art Behind Victorian Portrait Photography.

Carte de Visite: Small portrait photographs mounted on cards for easy exchange and display. Invented by Andre Adolphe Eugene Disderi in 1854, they became widespread by the 1860s. By the 1870s, they had reached their height of popularity before being replaced by larger cabinet cards.

They revolutionized personal portraiture, making photography accessible to the masses. Carte de Visite portraits were also popular for memorializing loved ones who had passed away, often featuring them in death-like poses alongside living family members.

Queen Victoria was an avid collector of these portraits. She requested that everyone she met during her visit to India send her a copy of their portrait on a carte de visite, leading to an influx of Indian portraits flooding London’s photography studios. They even became popular as souvenirs for tourists visiting exotic locations.

Carte de Visite portraits still fascinate us today, offering glimpses into the past identities and lives of those captured in those tiny photographic windows. If Victorian walls could talk, they’d probably say ‘please stop putting floral wallpaper on me and call a decorator for once!‘”

Wallpaper and Decorative Moulding

To understand how Victorians decorated their walls with wallpaper and decorative moulding, explore popular designs and materials used for the same. This section covers the sub-sections of popular designs and materials used, providing you with insight into how Victorians used wallpaper and decorative mouldings to transform their homes.

Popular designs

Wallpaper and decorative moulding are the perfect way to instantly elevate the look of any room. There are plenty of popular designs that are in demand. Geometric prints, floral motifs and vintage-inspired wallpapers are all trending right now.

Unique textures like suede and metallic finishes can really set your interiors apart. Now is the time to upgrade your home décor and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Transform your living space into a beautiful home. Who knew wallpaper and decorative moulding could bring so much joy?

Materials used

Exploring essential elements for creating stunning interior spaces with wallpaper and decorative moulding is crucial. Different options can significantly affect a room’s appeal. Check out this table of materials used in both wallpaper and decorative moulding:

Wallpaper Decorative Moulding
Vinyl Crown Moulding
Foil Chair Rail Moulding
Textile Baseboard Moulding
Grasscloth Picture Rail Moulding

Plus, there are paintable wallpapers, and composite mouldings made from plastic/foam which are budget-friendly. Preparing surfaces where the material will be installed is key for successful results. Consider time requirements for installation too, as some materials may need more prep/drying/adhesives.

One customer used vinyl wallpaper with textured finishes in their dining area. It gave a cozy atmosphere, perfect for dinner parties, yet easy to clean after splatters/spills. It shows how selecting the right material can transform a space to look great and function well.

Remember: if at first you don’t succeed, try again. If that fails, hire a professional!


Victorian homeowners chose from a range of decorative pieces, from oil paintings to tapestries, to adorn their walls. These items weren’t just for looks; they also represented wealth and status. Family portraits and landscapes were popular too, reflecting the owner’s taste or connection to a place.

Later in the era, wallpaper became more common due to industrialization and printing tech. Victorian decorations had a focus on craftsmanship and ornamental design. Wood carvings, sculptures, and woven textiles were all popular.

If you want to decorate a space with a Victorian style today, incorporate elements like floral patterns, bold colors, and elegant frames for artwork or mirrors.